Methylene Blue applications & Side Effects Methylene Blue applications & Side Effects
Methylene blue has a number of uses in medicine. In some medical procedures, including those that involve detection of leaks in the digestive system or the identification of parathyroid glands after surgery. Additionally, some conditions can be treated with it. Methemoglobinemia is a blood condition that makes it difficult for the blood to adequately carry oxygen to the body's tissues. The compound methylene blue ...
Vitamin K2: The Anti-Aging & Beauty Micronutrient Vitamin K2: The Anti-Aging & Beauty Micronutrient
Vitamin K2 is a vitamin that has gained a lot of attention in the anti-aging community. There are claims that vitamin K2 can stop heart attacks, strengthen your bones, and protect your kidneys, and many studies back up these claims. It is a no-brainer to add vitamin K2 to your supplement regimen, but the question is which form of K2 to choose.What is Vitamin K2 and What are its Health ...
Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2
By Harry B.
Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2
IntroductionThe COVID-19 pandemic has caused immense damage worldwide, and scientists have been exploring different ways to combat the virus. One area of research that has gained attention is the potential use of natural products to combat the spike protein with nattokinase being one such product.What is Nattokinase?Nattokinase is an enzyme produced by the bacterium Bacillus subtilis during the fermentation of soybeans. It has been consumed mainly in Japan for centuries ...