Vitamin K2: The Anti-Aging & Beauty Micronutrient

Vitamin K2: The Anti-Aging & Beauty Micronutrient

Vitamin K2 is a vitamin that has gained a lot of attention in the anti-aging community. There are claims that vitamin K2 can stop heart attacks, strengthen your bones, and protect your kidneys, and many studies back up these claims. It is a no-brainer to add vitamin K2 to your supplement regimen, but the question is which form of K2 to choose.

What is Vitamin K2 and What are its Health Benefits?

Vitamin K2 is a micronutrient that can help with many age-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis, among others. Vitamin K2 takes calcium out of your arteries and ensures that this calcium ends up in your bones and teeth, resulting in clean arteries and strong bones and teeth. Vitamin K2 is present all around the body, while vitamin K1 is only in your liver.

MK4 vs. MK7: Which Form of Vitamin K2 is Best?

There are two groups of vitamin K2, MK4 and MK7, and the preferred kind is vitamin K2 MK7 for most people. MK7 is the most efficient form of vitamin K2 and exhibits the greatest bioavailability. It also has the longest half-life and is best absorbed. For these reasons, all health advocates recommend MK7.

Natto: The Japanese Secret to Flawless Skin

Vitamin K2 MK7 has not been around for long and derives directly from natto, a Japanese dish. Japanese researchers were among the first to discover it, making the Japanese the real experts on natto and vitamin K2 MK7. Japanese women swear by natto as their secret weapon against wrinkles and old-looking skin.

How Does Natto Benefit the Skin?

Natto is the one vegetable source that contains the most vitamin MK7. MK7 takes calcium out of all arteries, including the smallest blood vessels in your face, which can contribute to wrinkles. Enzymes are the living parts of fresh, uncooked, and unfrozen natto. The enzymes in natto, called nattokinase, are a big part of its magic.

Choosing Vitamin K2 MK7: The Benefits of Natto

If you choose your K2 vitamin, you are well advised to go for MK7. Even better than the capsules is the real thing - natto. You can find it in Japanese health food stores in the refrigerated section. However, freezing destroys the enzymes, so you will still have some effect, but not the same as you could expect with fresh natto.

Natto: The Game Changer for Health and Beauty

There are groundbreaking studies published in 2022 on PubMed and the NIH websites about natto and its benefits. Flawless skin without wrinkles is a huge accomplishment of natto, but the findings in 2022 could contribute to the health of millions of people around the world. Natto is a real game-changer when it comes to health and beauty.


There are many benefits of vitamin K2 MK7 and natto, and we are learning more every day. Adding vitamin K2 to your supplement regimen is an easy decision, but choosing the right form of K2 is essential. For most people, vitamin K2 MK7 is the preferred form, and natto is the best source of it. With its potential to improve skin health, natto could be the next big thing in anti-aging.