Glutathione is your master antioxidant and as we age, its levels decline. Some health experts consider Melatonin to be a better antioxidant as Glutathione, but it does not matter which is No1  and which is No2, we need them both. As master antioxidant it influences all other antioxidants and its role in health is crucial. Without it, we die, meaning, yes we need it on a daily basis.

We get glutathione through a number of food sources, but there are certain things, that deplete our levels, such as some medications, mainly pain medications. They can deplete our glutathione levels rapidly, leading to death. This is, how important glutathione is and how important it is to be careful careful with pain killers. 

Glutathione tablets and capsules are a waste of money. They do nothing at all for your antioxidant protection. There are thousands of studies that have proven it.  Perhaps they can lighten up your face a little, but as antioxidant they cannot do anything. 

Glutathione is a every unstable molecule. As with most unstable molecules (Melatonin and NMN are also in that category) your digestive system and the first pass effect of the liver will destroy it. But there are several ways around this circumstance.


If you ever went to see a dermatologist due to some skin issues, they first use there entire arsenal of creams like antibiotic, anti fungus etc. to make sure, that your skin problem is not of that origin. When everything fails, they come with their wonder weapon, glutathione infusions. This is a little bit costly (100-200 Dollars per session) and it takes some time (and hour or longer) and of course it is being done at your doctor's office. But this really works, because the glutathione goes right into your system and nothing can be destroyed by your digestive enzymes. 

This is certainly another way how nothing gets destroyed by your digestive enzymes and most of it can enter your cells. 

This is another way how glutathione will enter your cells and nothing  gets even close to your digestive system. 

Glutathione suppositories can basically do the same for you as infusions do. But you do this at the comfort of your home and on a daily basis. And here is even another advantage compared to infusions:

One time infusion of let's say 1500 mg you will end up having a peak of glutathione which is falling again with each day. With suppositories you have each day your 300 mg on a daily basis.  

This is crucial. This is a sulfate protein that is attached to each and every cell of your body. It consists of 3 amino acids, cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine. We need to distinguish between oxidized and reduced glutathione.  It is the reduced version of glutathione that is helpful with all diseases. Reduced means, the molecules have one electron too much, which they want to give away. 

Free radicals are aggressive molecules, which lack one electron. If not destroyed, they attack our bodies by staling the one molecule that they themselves lack. Fast aging and a myriad of diseases are the results, which ranges from arteriosclerosis to cancer or short oxidative stress. Reduced glutathione now has one electron too much and is able to give that away. As a consequence, free radicals get all what they need and can leave your body. This is how reduced glutathione protects us from free radicals. Cell division and cell metabolism will be intact be   Reduced glutathione is the version our body produces itself and is one of the most important molecules in our bodies. Healthy cells have a tremendous impact on your immune functions as well as cancer prevention.

Antioxidant Activity

Free radicals may contribute to aging and some diseases. Antioxidants help to counteract free radicals and protect the body from their damaging effect far away, 

Preventing Cancer Progression

Some research shows that glutathione has a role in preventing the progression of cancer.

Reducing Cell Damage in Liver Disease

Hepatitis, alcohol abuse, and fatty liver disease all damage the cells of the liver.

A 2017 clinical trial concludes that glutathione could help treat nonalcoholic fatty liver disease due to its antioxidant properties and potential to detoxify.

Improving Insulin Sensitivity

Insulin resistance can result in the development of type 2 diabetes. The production of insulin causes the body to move glucose (sugar) from the blood and into cells that use it for energy. A 2018 study indicates that people with insulin resistance tend to have lower glutathione levels, particularly if they have experienced complications, such as neuropathy or retinopathy. A 2013 study reaches similar conclusions.

GLUTASORB 101 is a highly absorbable Reduced Glutathione suppository. We saw only one other Glutathione suppository product online which sells for US$ 99 for 30 days supply, not mentioning if it is reduced form or not. 

If flawless radiant skin in combination with a superb antioxidant protection is what you want, then GLUTASORB 101 is for you.

Reducing Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

According to some research, there is evidence that maintaining glutathione levels may help with the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. 

The findings appear to support injected glutathione as a potential therapy.

Reducing Ulcerative Colitis Damage

Like other inflammatory diseases, ulcerative colitis has been linked to oxidative damage and stress.

A 2003 animal study suggests that glutathione supplementation can improve some of the damage to the colon in rats.

 Treating Autism Spectrum Disorders

There is some evidence that children with autism have lower levels of glutathione than neurotypical children, or those without autism.

In 2011, researchers found that glutathione injections might reduce some effects of autism.

 It does wonders for your skin and good looks.

It is highly anti-inflammatory and therefor has been used extensively inflammatory conditions such as cytokine storm.


 Treating autism spectrum disorders

There is some evidence that children with autism have lower levels of glutathione than neurotypical children, or those without autism.

In 2011, researchersTrusted Source found that oral glutathione supplements or injections might reduce some effects of autism. However, the team did not look specifically at the children’s symptoms to see if any had improved, so further research is needed to determine this impact.

Pricing Plans

​One Month

$59/30 suppositories

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​Two Months

$111/60 suppositories

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​Three Months

$160/90 suppositories

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​Glutathione Patches

​Patches have the same effect as suppositories do - the Glutathione enters through your skin and cannot be destroyed by the liver


​Glutathione Patches 80 mg

These patches are small, and you can wear them all day long without anybody recognizing them. You can wear them e.g., on the inside of your arms. You can wear them 12 or even 24 hours a day. 

One patch per day or if you need extra antioxidant protection you just use 2 patches a day. 


​One Month

US$ 38 

US$ 4 shipping

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​Two Months

US$ 68 

US$ 4 shipping

(You save $ 8)

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​Three Months

US$ 99 

US$ 4 shipping

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