Recently published studies by the NIH and PubMed and various other papers say, that there is a way to inactivate the Spike Protein on the surface of your cells. These trials have been done in the lab on rats and mice and there is no doubt: the spike protein was stopped when bringing it together with Nattokinase.

In a nutshell: The spike protein is being produced by Covid19 and as such not a good thing. Secondly it is being injected through mRNA vaccines in order that our cells produce it themselves in order to immunize us. Unfortunately, it turns out, that once we produce it ourselves, there can be side-effects, like heart wall inflammation, irregular menstruation, stroke and the like.

In short, we get a blood clotting problem - not everybody, but it is safe to say: more than we would have expected and certainly nobody wants that to happen.

Here are a few examples, what Doctor's think what the spike protein can do:

- Heart Inflammation

- Irregular Menstruation

- Stroke

In a nutshell: The spike protein is being produced by Covid19 and as such not a 
    good thing. Secondly it is being injected through 
    mRNA vaccines in order that our cells produce it themselves in order to immunize
    Unfortunately, it turns out, that once we produce it ourselves, there can be 
    side-effects, like heart wall inflammation, irregular menstruation, 
    stroke and the like.
    In short, we get a blood clotting problem - not everybody, but it is safe to 
    say: more than we would have expected and certainly nobody 
    wants that to happen.
    Here are a few examples, what Doctor's think what the spike protein can do:

"Immunofluorescence analysis showed that Spike protein on the cell surface was degraded when nattokinase was added to the culture medium. Thus, our findings suggest that nattokinase exhibits potential for the inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 infection via S protein degradation."

"Restoration of blood flow was directly proportional to the amount of nattokinase injected into chemically induced thrombi in rats."

"In this study, we showed that the natto extract inhibited infectious ability of BHV-1 and SARS-CoV-2, to the cells and degraded the glycoprotein D of BHV-1 and the RBD protein of SARS-CoV-2. However, this inhibitory effect of the natto extract was impaired upon heating."

"There is no current convincing data available to demonstrate the bioavailability and metabolism of nattokinase administered as an oral dose. In fact, several groups have pointed out that the molecular size of NK is considered to be generally too large for oral absorption through the GI tract. It is recognized that NK may be susceptible to chemical oxidation and subsequent inactivation, or denaturation, in the GI tract.64 Thus, further studies are required to fully understand the pharmacokinetics of NK."

On the left side we cited, what has been published by various well-known institutions, like PubMed, Nature and the NIH, the National Institutions of Health. Let's summarize what they say:

1. There is no doubt whatsoever, that nattokinase will interfere with the spike protein. 

2. This means, it will help you with Covid, as well as the side-effects of the vaccines. 

3. Obviously the nattokinase was injected into rats or mice.

4. The molecular size of nattokinase seems too large to be absorbed easily, if taken by mouth and also all effects rendered unsuccessful, when the nattokinase was heated. This is because of the enzymes, that get destroyed. 

5. The restoration of blood flow was directly proportional to the amount injected...Means, the more nattokinase they injected, the more the blood flow was restored and the more blood clots were dissolved.

There is no current convincing data available to demonstrate the bioavailability and 
metabolism of nattokinase administered as an oral dose.
In fact, several groups have pointed out that the molecular size of NK is considered to be generally too 
large for oral absorption through the GI tract. It is recognised that NK may be susceptible to chemical 
oxidation and subsequent inactivation, or denaturation, in the GI tract.64 Thus, further studies are required 
to fully understand the pharmacokinetics of NK.


Before you run to the next Japanese Health Food Store to purchase nattokinase (called natto), please consider the following:

1. Can that work, considering the doubts the NIH mentions about a large molecule, that is a problem for bioavailability. Secondly, please consider the heating part. The effectiveness is completely destroyed, when the nattoinase is being heated. This is because of the enzymes, that are being destroyed during heating. Well, enzymes are being destroyed the same way when freezing! Heating as well as freezing, both destroy the enzymes, not necessarily all vitamins, but the enzymes. The enzymes of any food can be seen as the life within the food. Unfortunately, nattokinase you will find in the frozen section of your Japanese Store, so it might have the same effect as heated up: None. We don't say, that natto is not a health food. It comes loaded with vitamin K2 and we know, that fermented foods are among the best you can eat. But for this Spike Protein problem, it will have lost the enzymes. 

2. How about nattokinase powder, capsules and extracts? Well, if we follow, what the NIH has published, then nattokinase is a large molecule and it has an absorption problem. "The molecular size of nattokinase is generally too large for oral absorption through GI tract," it says there. 

Well, this is not even a bad idea, considering the seriousness of what the Spike protein can do to your health. If you find a doctor, who is able to do that, why not? But in fairness, we think, that most doctors do not even know about natto and the Spike protein. These studies are from August 2022 and are certainly pretty new to most of us. 

Suppositories and Patches are the closest thing to injections. They don't have to cross your GI tract and it does not really matter how large the molecule is - it can enter your blood stream easily with highest absorption rates. Our developers have therefore created patches and suppositories of nattokinase.

Nattokinase has been consumed as a food in Japan and in other Asian cultures for thousands of years, without any safety concerns. PubMed and also WebMd confirm, that even high amounts and daily intake do no harm, if you follow some simple guidelines, which we will discuss below.

"Nattokinase is possibly safe when taken as medicine. Taking Nattokinase as supplement for up to 3 years seems to be safe."

 Well, it doesn't stop here, what nattokinase can do for you. Natto is indeed the highest vitamin source of vitamin K2, unmatched by any other vegetable or fruit.This vitamin is a real treasure, since it literally cleans your arteries from calcium buildup. Certainly you have heard of the so-called calcium scan score, which you can make in hospitals, and which tells you about the fitness of your arteries. This score, watch it to go down significantly. 

In addition to remove blood clots and to deactivate the spike protein, nattokinase could also make your blood thinner. If you are on blood thinning medications or if you take aspirin, then you should be careful, that your blood does not get too thin. In this case you should consult with your doctor. The same applies, if you are on blood pressure medicines. 


But this is not all. See here what PubMed says about what nattokinase can do for your heart.

It says there: "The evidence suggests that nattokinase is a unique natural compound that possesses several key cardiovascular beneficial effects for patients with cardiovascular disease (CVC) and is therefore an ideal drug candidate for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease (CVD)." 


Nattokinase is possibly safe when taken as medicine.
Taking Nattokinase as supplement for up to 3 years seems to be safe.

Nattokinase  Patches

Patches have the same effect as suppositories do - they come closest to infusions.  


Nattokinase Patches 300 mg

The first of its kind - it is a special production. These patches have the same size and quality as our Melatonin patches.  Each patch comes in an air-tight plastic. Hydrogel keeps them moist. You can wear them e.g., below your shirt or on your legs, or any area where you suffer blood clots. You can wear for about 8 hours, every other day or even every 3 days one patch. This is because nattokinase has a very long half-life of 48 to 72 hours. 

One patch every other day. 

Pricing Patches

​One Month

$59 / month

30 Patches

Pointing has no control about.

  • ​US$ 1.9 per Day
  • Each patch is vacuum sealed.

Buy Now

​Two Months

$111 / 2 months

60 Patches

 mountains, far from.

  • US$1.85 per Day
  • Each patch is vacuum sealed.

Buy Now

Four Months

$204 / 4 months

120 Patches

but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen.

  • ​US$ 1.7 per Day
  • Each patch is vacuum sealed.

Buy Now

​Nattokinase Suppositories

Suppositories are same effective as patches - the closest thing to infusions. 


​Nattokinase Suppositories

These suppositories come with 300 mg nattokinase. They can be taken every other day or even every 3 days one suppository. This is because nattokinase has a very long half-life of 49 to 72 hours. 


One Month

$59 / month

​30 Suppositories  

Refrigerate before Usage

  • US$ 1.9 per day

Buy Now

Two Months

$105 / 2 months

60 Suppositories

 Refrigerate before Usage

  • US$ 1.75 per day

Buy Now

Four Months

$204 / 4 months

120 Suppositories

 Refrigerate before Usage

  • ​US$ 1.7 per day

Buy Now