Anti Aging Products Overview

On this website you will exclusively find products which you hardly find anywhere else.

We are a huge proponent of taking a supplement either through a transdermal patch, or via a suppository. And the evidence is on our side.  Comparison studies have been made have quite a lot and the record shows, that suppositories and transdermal patches can be absorbed about 90% while tablets and capsules will hardly be absorbed 50%, depending on the molecule how stable it is.

Bypassing the Liver

Anything taken orally has to pass the liver. And it is exactly here, where much of it gets destroyed by the first pass effect.


These molecules simply will get destroyed, at least much of it, once they come to the liver. 

Some experts on NMN therefor recommend to take NMN in an "keep under the tongue approach" in the hope to get at least something out of it to avoid the liver at all cost...knowing, that almost nothing will arrive.

Other experts suggest to eat a yoghurt prior to taking NMN. Well, pray and hope that the NMN does not arrive in your gut first, before the yoghurt. 

We here choose a very direct way that guarantees highest absorption, followed by best results, of course. 

Our High Dosage Melatonin Products

Melatonin is certainly among the best Longevity products out there. Unfortunately most people don't know this. It is quite unknown still, but the evidence is overwhelming. It is not your 3 mg Melatonin sleeping pill we are talking about. As the headline shows, it must be in high doses and then it can do wonders for you - not only regarding Longevity. The evidence for Melatonin comes from Russian space programs.  It has been studied and published by Dr. Dr. Enrico Edinger from Germany. 

How to take it:

One patch in the evening 2 hours before bedtime. Keep it on until next morning. You can order on our main page. Just scroll down until almost the end of the page.

Also here you will not get knocked out and also here as  Dr. Klinghardt says: "most people don't feel any difference in sleeping in the beginning, but what it does is phenomenal. It is the best Anti Aging there is."

How to take it:

One suppository in the evening 2 hours before bedtime. You can order on our main page. Just scroll down until almost the end of the page.

See the products here

High Dosages to activate the Pineal Gland

Melatonin is a very strong antioxidant, maybe even stronger than glutathione. But the real reason why Dr. Edinger is suggesting high Dosages taken as a suppository or Transdermal patch is the activation of your pineal gland. This can do wonders for you and your health and wellbeing. 

But it must be taken as suppository or transdermal patches, taking it orally it will be destroyed by the first pass effect of the liver within one hour.

Our 300 mg Melatonin Patches are a special production, only made for us. You will not find this product anywhere else, except at the clinic of Dr. Edinger in Germany (they use also 300 mg patches). 

You will not get knocked out even it carries 100 times the melatonin of your 3 mg Melatonin sleeping pill. 

In fact, we recommend, if you are used to the 3 mg Melatonin pill, just go on with it regardless the patch.

As Dr. Klinghardt says: "most people don't feel any difference in sleeping in the beginning, but what it does is phenomenal. It is the best Anti Aging there is."

Melatonin Suppositories 300 mg

This is basically the same as with the patches, they are highly absorbable and they also activate your pineal gland. Which is better comes down to your personal preference only. 

Melatonin is another rising star among the Longevity products out there. It is quite unknown still, but the evidence is overwhelming. Unfortunately it is not your 3 mg Melatonin sleeping pill we are talking about. As the headline shows, it must be in high doses and then it can do wonders for you - not only regarding Longevity. The evidence for Melatonin comes from Russian space programs.  It has been studied and published by Dr. Dr. Enrico Edinger from Germany. Thee pages will refer to most of the evidence he provides - we have translated it into English language for you. 

He reports, that Russian Astronauts who have spent weeks and months in space on this melatonin program of 300 mg daily could reverse their biological age by 20 years and more.  

How does it work?

Melatonin does not work like NMN in turning on sirtuins. Since it is a sleeping hormone, it works on your pineal gland.  

Your pineal gland is situated right in the center of your brain and regulates all hormones and all chemistry within your body. It is with now doubt the master gland of your entire body and soul. It is the computer, that gives the tact for all functions.

Many health advocates agree as Rudolf Steiner, the famous anthropology Professor once replied to the question: What is the most important organ in a body.

He said: It is the Pineal gland, since this has influence on any other organs and regulates their function.

Nattokinase and the Spike Protein

Recently published studies by the NIH and PubMed and various other papers say, that there is a way to inactivate the Spike Protein on the surface of your cells. These trials have been done in the lab on rats and mice and there is no doubt: the spike protein was stopped when bringing it together with Nattokinase. 

                        See the Products here

The NIH states:

"NK is considered to be generally too large for oral absorption through the GI tract. It is recognized that NK may be susceptible to chemical oxidation and subsequent inactivation, or denaturation, in the GI tract."

Nattokinase Patches or Suppositories do not have to pass the GI tract, so the nattokinase can enter easily. 

Testosterone Booster

This is an all-natural testosterone booster.  A different approach to increase your testosterone levels in a natural way is a special herbal mix, suggested by Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist is an American neuroscientist and tenured associate professor in the department of neurobiology and psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine. On a Joe Rogan Podcast he claimed, that Tongkat Ali together with Fadogia Agrestis has an explosive effect on your testosterone levels as well as on your libido. You can increase your testosterone levels by a whooping 200-400 points, as Mr. Huberman explains. But not only that, but also your manhood size will increase too, as he explains. 

You will get the same as recommended by Prof. Huberman, 500 mg Fadogia Agrestis and 400 mg Tongkat Ali. This time however there will be no 15% bioavailability of Tongkat Ali, but about 90%.

                      See the Product here

Instead of shrinking testicles as you get it with the injected testosterone, you would increase your testicles. Also your muscle mass will increase of course and fat storage will decrease. Too good to be true? Well, there is also a catch. 

There is also catch and that is the bioavailability. From Tongkat Ali we know that it has a very low bioavailability, when taken orally, namely about 10,5% only, as this research paper suggests. Meaning that 89.5% is getting lost, what we also call "expensive urine".

That is why we have come up with testo Booster Suppositories. With Suppositories you will not have the problem of bioavailability, because it will be delivered 80-90%. 


In a video called NMN Absorption (Expert Level) it is explained, why obviously not much of orally taken NMN arrives where it should arrive to get absorbed. 

A Game Changer:

In a trial, where mice were given antibiotics it turned out, that the NMN given had no effects at all. This is obviously because gut bacteria has been destroyed, which again proved, that the final absorption of NMN takes place in the gut. In the control group, the mice that had not received antibiotics had an increase of NAMN (Nicotinic Acid Mononucleotide). From 25% is being converted to NAAD and the rest, 75% to NAM. 

The author of the video admits, it is a bit complicated, that is why he calls it "Expert Level". 

At minute 8.25 of his video he concludes what he is doing to avoid most of this conversion issues:

"I take NMN under my tongue. I want to bypass the liver as much as I can. In reality not too much of NMN is being absorbed underneath the tongue. The rest I swallow, knowing that not much will arrive. There is so much we don't understand about NMN."

Researchers from the NIH come to the same conclusion: 

 NMN Suppository

With this 300 mg NMN suppository we avoid all those complicated conversion problems as well as any absorption issues. 

See the product here

NMN Suppository 300 mg

                           See the product here

Glutathione Suppository 

Glutathione is called the Master Antioxidant, even a  number of experts say, that High Doses of Melatonin do a far better job as antioxidant. It is not important which is no 1 and which is no 2. They are both good and important.

Every dermatologist knows what glutathione can do for your skin. They use infusions to get the best results, because taken glutathione orally again, has no effects. This pattern goes on and on.


Glutathione Suppositories & Patches

Taking glutathione as a suppository or patches will have the same effect as the infusion of your dermatologist. The dosage is much lower, of course, therefor you take it daily and in the comfort of your own home. No Doctor's visit and no infusions, A suppository stays in your system for about 5 hours, so there is plenty of time to absorb.

                             See the products here