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Russian Space scientists gave high dosages of Melatonin (300mg) to an Astronaut, named Valeri Poljakov (see Wikipedia here). Remarkably he could stay in space for 437 days and holds the world record until this day. When he returned to earth he came out of his space ship on a hand stand. He was incredibly fit. Not only that, but examinations in the process revealed, that the daily dosage of 300 mg Melatonin reversed his age by 22.3%. His biological age was 22.3% younger than when he entered the space shuttle.

Are high dosages of Melatonin (not given orally but as a suppository or transdermal) the fountain of Youth?

In a nutshell: The spike protein is being produced by Covid19 and as such not a 
    good thing. Secondly it is being injected through 
    mRNA vaccines in order that our cells produce it themselves in order to immunize
    Unfortunately, it turns out, that once we produce it ourselves, there can be 
    side-effects, like heart wall inflammation, irregular menstruation, 
    stroke and the like.
    In short, we get a blood clotting problem - not everybody, but it is safe to 
    say: more than we would have expected and certainly nobody 
    wants that to happen.
    Here are a few examples, what Doctor's think what the spike protein can do:

According to Dr. Dr. Edinger, a pioneer in this field, "there is nothing it cannot do", as he states. In his clinic in Germany, he is treating any neurological disease with 300 mg Melatonin, given as a transdermal patch, which he has developed. He should know it, because he has worked and studied in Russia alongside Russian Space Scientists. He is a real expert on the subject, and he holds 3 doctor titles, 2 from Germany and one (called "Nauk") from Russia.

"Unlike sleeping pills, there is NO Addiction from the usage of Melatonin. Once you stop, you just go on without it" Dr. Edinger states.



There is no current convincing data available to demonstrate the bioavailability and 
metabolism of nattokinase administered as an oral dose.
In fact, several groups have pointed out that the molecular size of NK is considered to be generally too 
large for oral absorption through the GI tract. It is recognised that NK may be susceptible to chemical 
oxidation and subsequent inactivation, or denaturation, in the GI tract.64 Thus, further studies are required 
to fully understand the pharmacokinetics of NK.



But there is a catch: According to Dr. Dr. Edinger, as well as Dr. Klinghardt, these 300 mg Melatonin cannot be taken orally, but it must be taken as a suppository or a transdermal patch. Taken orally, it would be destroyed by the first pass effect of the liver within only 1 hour. Suppositories and transdermal patches will deliver a constant high dose throughout the night, without being destroyed by the liver. This is what activates your pineal gland, and this is where the main effect lies.

It works in several ways:

1. It activates your pineal gland right from the first day of using it. This is the master gland of your body which influences all other glands and all hormones.

2. It up-regulates each cell of the body, giving power on a mitochondrial level which can even repair your DNA damage.

3. It removes dead cells from your body while you sleep. The removal of senescent cells is a key factor in staying young and vibrant. 

According to Dr. Klinghardt, another expert in this field, it is simply the best anti-aging there is. 


Suppositories and Patches are the closest thing to injections or infusions. They don't have to cross your GI tract, or your liver and it does not really matter how large the molecule is - it can enter your blood stream easily with highest absorption rates. This is the best delivery system. 

It activates the pineal gland, thus it activates all hormones and glands.

Most pineal glands nowadays are calcified and inactive. Activation of the pineal gland with 300 mg Melatonin can decalcify your pineal gland. According to Dr. Edinger, this process takes about 2 years for most people.
Every cell has a higher energy consumption; thus, most people lose weight on a high dosage of Melatonin when taking over time.

Melatonin is present in every call of your body, not only the pineal gland. It sits right next to the mitochondria, the powerhouse of your cells. According to Dr. Klinghardt, your cells produce 400 to 4000 times more melatonin, as your pineal gland. And they do most of this around noon time.

Melatonin is not only in each of your cell, but also animals have melatonin, just like humans have it. Even plants have it. Infact, Melatonin is billions of years old, as old as the first microorganism showing up in the ocean. What are plants doing with melatonin, you might ask yourself? Well, plants activate Melatonin, when there is an imminent danger, like a flooding or a drought. Plants cannot run away. The activation of Melatonin helps them to survive. We as humans do not have any flooding or drought problem. We always can go o higher ground or go out of the sun when it is getting too hot. But we have another problem: Our lifestyle and the denaturation of foods. Our flooding is cancer, and our drought has become heart disease. These are the dangers humans face and hopefully Melatonin can protect us from these dangers too, the same way it protects the plants.In mice experiments, mice lived almost double as long, when an old mouse got transplanted a pineal gland of a young mouse and the young mouse who got transplanted a pineal gland of an old mouse died already after 500 days, while the old mouse lived over 1000 days. The average life expectancy is about 700 days. If we translate this into humans, a person would add about 35 years to his/her lifespan, if only the pineal gland is decalcified and activated. 

As we grow older, our Melatonin levels deplete. By the age of 60, most people do not have much Melatonin left in their system. They lack of this most important protection.

But does it not knock me off, such high doses of Melatonin?

Not at all! According to Dr. Klinghardt, "most people do not feel a difference in the beginnig what their sleep is concerned. But what it does is phenomenal, he continues. If you know a little bit about biochemistry, the worst thing that can happen in inflammation is the development of peroxinitrate. This leads to cell death and Melatonin stops this process completely."

Melatonin is present in every call of your body, not only the pineal gland. It sits right next to the mitochondria, the powerhouse of your cells. According to Dr. Klinghardt, your cells produce 400 to 4000 times more melatonin, as your pineal gland. And they do most of this around noon time.
Melatonin is not only in each of your cell, but also animals have melatonin, just like humans have it. Even plants have it. Infact, Melatonin is billions of years old, as old as the first microorganism showing up in the ocean. What are plants doing with melatonin, you might ask yourself? Well, plants activate Melatonin, when there is an imminent danger, like a flooding or a drought. Plants cannot run away. The activation of Melatonin helps them to survive. We as humans do not have any flooding or drought problem. We always can go o higher ground or go out of the sun when it is getting too hot. But we have another problem: Our lifestyle and the denaturation of foods. Our flooding is cancer, and our drought has become heart disease. These are the dangers humans face and hopefully Melatonin can protect us from these dangers too, the same way it protects the plants.
In mice experiments, mice lived almost double as long, when an old mouse got transplanted a pineal gland of a young mouse and the young mouse who got transplanted a pineal gland of an old mouse died already after 500 days, while the old mouse lived over 1000 days. The average life expectancy is about 700 days.

As we grow older, our Melatonin levels deplete. By the age of 60, most people do not have much Melatonin left in their system. They lack of this most important protection.

 Alzheimer's Disease

A study published by Science Direct suggests, that Melatonin is indeed the best thing you can do against memory loss, Alzheimer's disease and related cognitive decline. 

Melatonin has a tremendous impact on "oxidative stress, excess inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction". 

We have linked the entire study from Escholarship.org here.



Dr. Berg on Melatonin

In the description of his YouTube Video, it says.

"Three of the leading causes of death:

 Heart disease 

• Cancer 

• Metabolic illnesses

With each of these causes of death, there is some type of dysfunction that destroys the mitochondria. The essence of the problem is an excess of oxidative stress and free radical damage. "

That's where Melatonin comes in...

Check out the Video here.

"This information is brand new:

The MOST POWERFUL Antioxidant is Melatonin, NOT Glutathione."

What a Praise coming from the most prominent Health Youtuber! He discovered Melatonin only lately. But he is not an expert in this field yet.

Dr. Klinghardt on Melatonin

Dr. Klinghardt is a well-known expert in the field of toxicology. He has received several times the award of Doctor of the Year, in USA and also Internationally. With his Klinghardt Institute, he teaches Doctors world-wide.

Dr. Kinghardt on Melatonin:

The Best Anti Aging there is.

Far better than Glutathione.


Can repair any neurological defect.

Any Mental Issues, like Alzheimer's Disease, Forgetfulness, Concentration issues, Mood.

It helps also with Pregnancy, in a way to get pregnant more easily and to have an easier pregnancy and childbirth.

Very good for the heart. In fact, most people who suffer a heart attack run low on Melatonin.

"But it is not the 3 mg of Melatonin that you use for sleeping at night. It is 300 mg, 100 times more and you have to take it Not orally but as a suppository or as a transdermal plaster," Dr. Kleinhardt states.

Please see Video on the page "Videos".

Melatonin has been tested by the NIH for:


Metabolic Disorders

Cardiovascular Disorders

Gastrointestinal Disorders

Neurogenerative Disorders

Mental Disorders

Pain Syndromes

Reproductive Disorders

There are thousands ofstudies published by PubMed and the NIH on Melatonin. Alone on cancer, there are over 3000 studies with Melatonin. Coincidence? 

Melatonin for the prevention and treatment of cancer (NIH):

"Melatonin could be an excellent candidate for the prevention and treatment of several cancers, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, gastric cancer and colorectal cancer (NIH)"

"The acute toxicity of Melatonin in human as well as animal studies is remarkably low (NIH)."

"Melatonin is not fatal, even in high dosages of 800mg per kg in animal studies." See the NIH Video on the page "Videos".

Melatonin is a Dietary Supplement and Dietary supplements are not regulated by the FDA.

How to take High Dosages of Melatonin

All Experts agree that it is not the 3 mg of Melatonin that you take for sleeping. The dose must be much higher, it is 300 mg to have effects.

And it cannot be taken orally, because of the first pass effect of the liver. It MUST be taken either as a suppository or a transdermal patch.

-To be taken in the evening 1 hour before bedtime.

-no driving or working on machinery after taking it. 

Will high dosages nock me out??

Dr. Klinghardt: "No, not at all. Most people will not feel any difference initially when it comes to sleeping. But what it does is phenomenal, when you know a bit of biochemistry."

All our products are highest quality. Our transdermal patches are a special production, machine -made and cannot be bought anywhere else. Melatonin suppositories you can also find at Amazon. They come at 400 mg and cost about 3-400 US Dollars a month, that is 5 times what we charge.

Melatonin SuppositoriesSuppositories must be kept in refrigerator before usage only.

Content: 300 mg Melatonin, natural organic fats. No other additives.

You can also order by monthly subscriptions. This way you don't have to remember to re-order in time. We will send out every month on your Subscription Day.

This is the most economical way since you get 50% off on your 1st month and pay 20% less the following months. 

30 Monthly Suppositories 

60 Monthly Suppositories 

You get 50% off on your 1st month and pay 20% less the following months.

There is one more supplier of Melatonin suppositories in the US, that company takes also far above 100 US$ for a one-month supply of Melatonin suppositories, which is almost double our price. 

Melatonin Patches


The patches come with a sticker, even though they are self-adhesive. This guarantees that you will not lose it when you move at night.

Content: 300 mg Melatonin, Hydrogel (for keeping them moist). No other additives. Hypoallergenic. Each patch is air-tight sealed.

You can also order by monthly subscriptions. This way you don't have to remember to re-order in time. We will send out every month on your Subscription Day.

This is the most economical way since you get 50% off on your 1st month and pay 20% less the following months. 

30 Monthly Patches 

60 Monthly Patches 

You get 50% off on your 1st month and pay 20% less the following months.

Regular Melatonin Suppositories

​One Month


Buy Now

​30 Suppositories

US$ 1,9 per Day

​Two Months


Buy Now

​60 Suppositories

US$ 1,75 per Day

​Four Months


Buy Now

120 Suppositories

US$ 1,7 per Day

​Six Months


Buy Now

180 Suppositories

US$ 1,6 per Day

Regular Melatonin Patches

​One Month


Buy Now

30 Patches

US$ 1,9 per Day

​Two Months


Buy Now

60 Patches

US$ 1,85 per Day

​Four Months


Buy Now

120 Patches

US$ 1,7 per Day

​Six Months



180 Patches

US$ 1,6 per Day

Want to Try the Product first?

10 pcs of Transdermal Patches - US$ 20

10 pcs of Suppositories - US$ 20

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to treat or cure any disease.
