Melatonin - Anti Aging Evidence

In the following we will provide some short video clips, translated from video footages and interviews with Prof. Dr. Dr. Edinger (translated into English). Also D. Klinghardt, who is very active in the field of anti-radiation works also closely with Dr. Dr. Edinger. Latter has been awarded several times as Doctor of the Year in USA.  Some of our readers might be more familiar with him.

Melatonin in High Dosages for Anti Aging

Prof. Dr. Dr. Enrico Edinger describes how high dosages of Melatonin (300 mg) is the only way to activate the pineal gland, so that the entire body can take advantage of a tremendous anti aging effect.This can be achieved by the activation of the pineal gland. The pineal gland is the master gland of your body.

However, through the first pass effect of the liver, he says that 10mg are being metabolized in a few minutes, 100 mg in one hour when taken orally. It must therefore be taken either as a plaster transdermal or as a suppository. There is no other way if you want it to be effective.

However, through the first pass effect of the liver, he says that 10mg are being mnetabolized in a few minutes, 100 mg in one hour when taken orally.
It must therfore be taken either as a plaster transdermal or as a suppository.
There is no other way if you want it to be effective.

Anti Aging - He reduced his biological age by 23.3%

Reducing your biological age by 23% is a huge step and something rarely seen in the Anti Aging community.  Advanced space medication with high dosages of melatonin is the secret behind it. But it is not your 3mg Melatonin tablet for sleeping. It is 300 mg, that can only given as a plaster or as a suppository or as a transfusion. Already 10 mg will dissolve through the first pass of the liver within minutes and as such will have no effect.

Dr. Edinger is a pioneer in the field of modern space techniques. He has Health Center for alternative healing in Germany (, where he also reports tremendous success stories which he achieves with melatonin 300 mg. What happened to our astronaut in this example: Usually an astronaut gets health problems due to high radiation. But this astronaut even improved his health while being in space for astonishing 437 days. Melatonin in high dosages activates your pineal gland. Your pineal gland is situated right in the middle of your brain. If it is activated, it will power all of your hormones big time. It will up regulate each cell of your body to a 70-90 percent level (at 40% we will develop cancer, according to Dr. Dr. Edinger).

Dr. Edinger is a pioneer in the field of modern space techniques. He has clinique for alternative healing practices in Germany (, where he also reports tremendous success stories which he achieves with melatonin 300 mg.
What happened to our astronaut iin this example:
Usually an astronaut gets health problems due to high radiation. But this astronaut even imprived his health while being in spoace for astonishing 437 days.
Melatonin in high dosages activates your oineal gland. Your pineal gland is situated right iin the middle of your brain. If it is activated, it will power all of your hormons big time. It will up regulate each cell of your body to a 70-90 percent level (at 40% we will develop cancer, according bto Dr. Dr. Edinger).

The Pineal Gland

According to Prof. Dr. Dr. Edinger, the Pineal Gland is the most important gland in your body. It influences all other hormone glands and is a fountain of youth if it is activated and working properly. Unfortunately our pineal glands have only one 10th of the seize of an 8 year old due to calcification and bad influences from outside.

According to Dr. Dr. Edinger, there is only one thing, that can activate the pineal gland instantly and increase all hormone levels drastically, and that is Melatonin in high dosages, taken either transdermal or as a suppository.

According to Dr. Dr. Edinger, there is only one thing, that can activate the pineal gland instantly and increase all hormon levels drastically, and that is Melatonin in high dosages, taken either transdermal or as a suppository.

Weight Loss with Melatonin

Is it possible to lose weight with high doses of Melatonin? According to Dr. Dr. Edinger, who is an expert in this field, weight loss will happen to anyone who is on the program. He says, that there is lots of evidence, that, whatever your weight problem is, you will lose body fat big time on Melatonin.

How does this happen? Firstly, your cellular metabolism will be increased between 25-35% which will result in a much higher energy consumption. Secondly your insulin levels will decrease considerably, which comes along with lots of other health benefits. So if you ever struggled with weight, this could be a profound way to turn things around. And it comes with lots of other health benefits too. Lymphocites will be powered up, so that they can find cancerous cells, which we all have ant any given time and kill them. Dr. Dr. Edinger speaks in this context as an upregulating of cells. Through high doses of Melatonin, the body is able to get rid of old and damaged cells.

How does this happen? Firstly, your cellular metabolism will be increased between 25-35% which will result in a much higher energy consumption. Secondly your insulin levels will decrease considerably, which comes along with lots of other health benefits. So if you ever struggeled with weight, this could be a profound way to turn things around. And it comes with lots of other healt benefits too. Lymphocites will be powered up, so that they can find cancerous cells, which we all have ant any given time and kill them. Dr.Dr. Edinger speaks in this context as an upregulating of cells. Through high doses of Melatonin, the body is able to get rid of old and damaged cells.

Mice lived almost double as long...

Normally the pineal gland controls the entire brain.
There are studies made by Pierre Paoli. He planted the pineal gland of an old mouse into a young mouse and the pineal gland of a young mouse into an old mouse.

The result was:
Usually the average mouse has a lifespan of 700 days. So the young mouse with the old pineal gland dies already after 500 days and the old mouse with the young pineal gland lived over 1000 days.
If we calculate this with a special computer program, based on what we know what is happening when 300 mg Melatonin is given daily, then we can assume, that a person who usually would die at 75 years old could gain another 35 years in lifespan-only by making his pineal gland function again.

The healthy Way to increase Testosterone big time

Is it possible to increase testosterone by a whooping 35% within only a 3 weeks time? According to Dr. Dr. Edinger yes it is possible. He states, that by using high dosages of Melatonin you increase all hormones by 35% within a 3 weeks time.

This is, of course good news for all fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders. Finally you have a healthy alternative to unhealthy testosterone injections.

Dr. Klinghardt: "Melatonin is the best Anti Aging in the World and a much better Antioxidant as Glutathione."

But it must be 300 mg and not the 3 mg you might take for sleeping, he says. One of his collegues in Germany treats almost any disease with it with big success (Dr. Dr. Edinger). 

As Dr. Klinghardt reports he knows a scientist who makes a DNA probe of anything he sees under the microscope and found there is a layer within our bodies of about 2 square miles. The only thing that cracks that layer is Melatonin 300 mg.

The NIH (National Institutes of Health) on Melatonin Toxicity as well as Melatonin for Cancer.

The NIH tested Melatonin for Cancer as a treatment as well as for prevention. The results are very promising.

The NIH did not find any harmful toxicity even on highest dosages of Melatonin such as 800 mg for each kg of body weight. Here you get 300mg for your entire body weight.