Please kindly read this FAQ carefully. It will answer the most common questions. The answers are all based on Dr. Dr. Edinger's interviews, and you can find them all in the videos as well. 

The Superhuman Achievement of staying in Space for 437 Days and walking out of the space shuttle on a handstand.

Valeri Polyakov accomplished not only that, but after his long space trip where he holds the word record, his biomarker data revealed, he has gotten younger by a whooping 22.3%.

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valeri_Polyakov

How did he achieve that?

Well, he used something, where Russian space scientist have worked on and tested for a long time.

He used 300 mg of Melatonin daily, that can Up-regulate all cells in your body, so that a self-healing process sets in and damaged DNA gets repaired.

For your better understanding: Astronauts age very fast. Some can turn from dark hair to grey within a few weeks when in space. They are exposed to harsh conditions through radiation and suffer extreme muscle loss and heart problems. Many of them they have to be carried out of a spaceship but certainly do not arrive on a handstand.

 The Up-Regulation of Cells
Up-Regulation of Cells and mitochondrial activity for a much higher ATP output, this is, when DNA repair sets in and a self-healing process gets kicked off, as Prof. Dr. Dr. Edinger, an expert in Space Medicine explains. This Up regulation will happen at 70-90% with Melatonin. At 40% and below, cells turn cancerous, he explains. And Melatonin in high dosage is the only thing that can accomplish that.

What can it do for You?
Prof. Dr. Dr. Edinger explains, there is nothing it cannot do.

1. Do you not get addicted from so much Melatonin? 

-No, that is the good thing about Melatonin. As Dr. Dr. Edinger says, there is no addiction whatsoever. Once you stop, you just go on without it. 

2. Does Dr. Dr. Edinger sell Melatonin on his website, so I could order  from him?

-Not to our knowledge.  They do have treatment with high doses of Melatonin in his clinic in Germany. You can check out his website here: http://www.inakarb.de.

3. Upregulating the cells and the mitochondrial functions, could this also help with cancer cells?

-According to the interviews given, they have a very high success rate of treating any cancer this way.


4. Wasn't Melatonin not also a central treatment in Trump's fast Covid recovery in 2020

-Yes exactly it was. You can watch this on Youtube. There was always mentioned Melatonin in his recovery, together with other substances. 

5. Is it not possible to use this orally because i do not know how to use a suppository?

-Unfortunately no. There is a loss of 95% within an hour or so after taking it orally. So it is useless.

6. How to use a suppository?

-We recommend, that you use a little bit of oil, preferably virgin coconut or olive oil. 

7.  I am interested in Ani Aging and so far followed David Sinclair's protocol to activate sirtuins.  What about sirtuin activation on Melatonin?

-This subject has also been addressed by Dr. Dr. Edinger. Sirtuins are being activated as well on high doses of Melatonin. 


8.  How long to take high doses of Melatonin? 

-An initial treatment in Germany would be 4 months. From that time on you could be implementing an on and off cycle, like each other day or 3 times per week.

9. If high doses of Melatonin is so powerful, that an astronaut gets 22.3 % younger on his biological age after using it for 437 days, how about 5 G and all the radiation we face today, could Melatonin be the answer?

-Yes exactly. That will be the answer to radiation overload. It will protect you in the same way as it protects the astronauts.

10. I have started to take NMN for Anti Aging. Should I replace this now with Melatonin?

-There is no need to replace NMN. It is wonderful too. Since you take Melatonin in the evening, just take all your other supplements then at daytime.

Unfortunately no. There is a loss of 95% within an hour or so after taking it orally. So it is useless.
I have started to take NMN for Anti Aging. Should I replace this now with Melatonin?

11. I cannot believe that you don't get addicted. Is it really true?

Yes it is true. There is no problem at all.

12. Very impressive the mouse experiment where they exchanged a young pineal gland to an old mouse and an old pineal gland to a young mouse and the old mouse lived much longer while the young mouse died early. But are those experiments with mice really also significant for humans?

That is always the question with mice experiments. But in science we take this as an  indicator that this might work for humans too.

13. All this data and science comes from the Russian space programs. Can we trust them?  Why is that not published also in Western countries?

Western countries have mostly a huge lobby and conflicts of interests. 

14. I remember when Trump said towards the end of his government, that big announcements for public health and longevity will be made available soon to everybody. Now I see in the videoclip of Dr. Edinger exactly this, that the NSA had asked Trump to reveal those health secrets. Was there really high doses of Melatonin one of the secrets?

According to D. Dr. Edinger, yes, Melatonin in high doses was one of those health secrets.

15. I want to give High Doses of Melatonin a try. When do you think can I see first effects? 

You can observe some of  the effects already after one night. 

16. Using high dosages of Melatonin, will I not be sleepy and tired in the morning and possibly all day?

The opposite will be the case. You will have a clear head and all your senses will be alert and awake.

17. I understand that de-calcification of the pineal gland can take some time. But what effects can I expect right away from High Doses of Melatonin?

There are2 things, one is the de-calcification and two is the activation of the pineal gland. Activation takes place from the first night onwards as soon as you take it. De-calcification goes over time in one to four months, depending on the state of calcification. 

18. Are there other things I can do to de-calcify my pineal gland or at least stop the calcification process?

Yes, absolutely. As Dr. Dr. Edinger points out, throw away you common toothpaste. Most tooth paste contain fluor, which is the worst killer of your pineal gland. It is very hard to buy a toothpaste that does not contain it. This is the single most important step you can take to stop further calcification. 

19. Does this Melatonin have also consequences on my brain and thinking?

Oh yes, it will sharpen your thinking, gives you a clear mind. You will remember much better and all functions of your brain will improve. 

20. Can I get High Doses of Melatonin as suppository or as plaster also somewhere else?

Not to our knowledge. We did not see it anywhere.  This is space science.

21. What is the cost of it in Germany in the clinic of Dr. Dr. Edinger, compared to the one sold here?

Indeed we have advised a dear friend who had a prostate operation in 2021 with metastasis to see Dr. Dr Edinger. He called his office in Germany and was told, that there is a fee of around 1000 Euros for an initial checkup. The treatment with Melatonin he was told is roughly 300 Euro per month. 

Do the math, ours is 195 Dollars for 2 months. 

Bottom line is: if you are a really serious case, like you are having cancer or similar, then it is always advisable to see the specialist and not to shy away from high cost. But if you are doing fine and you are on the anti-aging bandwagon, then our approach is perfectly fine and more than enough for you. 

22. I have seen in one of Prof. Edinger's interviews, that he says all hormone activity increases by 35% within 3 weeks on Melatonin 300mg. Does this also hold true for testosterone?

Yes, of course this is also true for testosterone, since testosterone is also a hormone. Absolutely.

23. Will there be also an increase in sex hormones?

Yes, absolutely. That is what Dr. Dr. Edinger also talks about. Expect an increase in sexual activity without having to expect over-activity.  We have quite a number of customers who report so. They also mention frequent erections at night time, where before was none.

24. Could there also be an increase of muscle mass?

Certainly no loss of muscle mass. If you are sportive and active, you will see a strong increase of lean body mass and fat melts away. If you are couch potato, then you will not lose the muscles you have.  

25. Can it help me with Immunity?

You bet! An Up-Regulation of your cells and an increase of 35% in hormonal activity will boost your immunity beyond believe.

26. What about sexual functions?

Sexual functions will also be restored to normal, without any over-drive to be afraid of. That is how Dr. Dr. Edinger says it. When all hormone levels increase, of course sex hormones are included.

Are there other things I can do to de-calcify my pineal gland or at least stop the calcification process?