As with all hormones, also testosterone declines as we get older. Usually there is only one hormone that increases with age, and that is cortisol, what you don't really want. Studies have shown that a higher testosterone level is beneficial to healthy aging. A lower testosterone level goes hand in hand with muscle loss, bone density loss, a weak posture and a loss of height. On the mental side we can see a general loss of interest in life, a negative outlook and depression. 

Testosterone is often referred to as the king of all hormones, because it is a very powerful hormone for men and women - yes women too have testosterone, and they need it too. In a 25-year study about the eldest living people on earth, the Okinawans, it turns out, that Okinawan centenarians have generally a higher testosterone level as their American counterparts in the same age ranges - a clear indicator, that higher testosterone levels are useful for healthy aging. 

But it is not only for the older folks important to have a higher testosterone level. Testosterone injections are very popular for quite some time already in gyms and fitness establishments around the world. In a 6 weeks cycle, people inject testosterone into their muscle tissue. It works wonders but it comes also with a high price they have to pay health-wise. After a 6-week cycle, they have to use an estrogen blocker like clomiphene to get their testicles back to normal size. The over-abundance of foreign testosterone leads to a complete stop of the body's own testosterone production and the too much of testosterone converts to estrogen. 


Unlike melatonin, testosterone is a hormone that responds to your body when it comes from an outside source: it shuts down its own production. 

Well, the side-effects of testosterone injections are tremendous. These range from liver damage to hair loss and shrinking testicles to heart failure. Yes, unfortunately it is not uncommon, that even top body builders drop dead from serious heart complications. But this is all old news. If you are a body builder and you are doing this, how long do you intend to go on with this? 


A different approach to increase your testosterone levels in a natural way is a special herbal mix, suggested by Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist is an American neuroscientist and tenured associate professor in the department of neurobiology and psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine. On a Joe Rogan Podcast he claimed, that Tongkat Ali together with Fadogia Agrestis has an explosive effect on your testosterone levels as well as on your libido. You can increase your testosterone levels by a whooping 200-400 points, as Mr. Huberman explains. But not only that, but also your manhood size will increase too, as he explains. Instead of shrinking testicles as you get it with the injected testosterone, you would increase your testicles. Also your muscle mass will increase of course and fat storage will decrease. Too good to be true? Well, there is also a catch.

Andrew Huberman: "Most people are going to see 3-400 points makes actually the testis grow - it's a noticeable difference."

Joe Rogan: "Everybody wants that!"

You can watch the entire podcast right here!

Plese check out the corresponding youtube pages where people had their bloodwork done. It seems to work. 

You also want to check same keywords and "side-effects" to understand the liver issue better.

Andrew Huberman advises to make breaks and not to use this mixture continuously, since it takes havoc on your liver. One month on and one month off for example.

There is also another catch and that is the bioavailability. From Tongkat Ali we know that it has a very low bioavailability, when taken orally, namely about 10,5% only, as this research paper suggests. Meaning that 89.5% is getting lost, what we also call "expensive urine". 

It says here: "led to an oral bioavailability of 10.5%"

In fact, Tongkat Ali is a stable molecule but the reason why it has such an poor bioavailability is the first pass effect of the liver, as this Pub Med paper suggests. 

..."high first pass metabolism."

We could not find any data on the bioavailability of Fadogia Agrestis, since this herb is pretty unknown. But as with so many molecules having bioavailability issues when taken orally, we suspect it to be in a very similar range of low bioavailability too. 

If you take a look at our website, then you will realize, that we are a huge fan of suppositories as well as patches. We see the same patterns all over, may it be with melatonin or nmn or glutathione or you name it. Once you swallow it in form of a pill or capsule, most of it will be destroyed by the liver. That is why we sat together with our developers and asked them, if it is possible to produce a suppository with these two herbals, Tongkat Ali and Fudogia Agrestis. The result is very promising: No more liver problems and you can enjoy about 80-90% absorption instead of 13% only.

Now you can enjoy significant higher absorption rates for Tongkat Ali and Fadogia Agrestis. With a suppository these are in the 80-90% range. It also will not cross your liver, so you don't have to worry about liver damage too.

It is wonderful to know, that now one can increase testosterone levels naturally without any dangerous side-effects. Older folks do not get that fragile that fast and easily and younger people and body builders should consider a more healthful approach to increase their muscle mass. 

Testo Booster 101 comes with 400 mg Tongkat Ali and 500 mg Fadogia Agrestis, exactly as suggested by Andrew Huberman.

However, since it is a suppository, it does not need to pass your liver. so liver damage and/or a burden to your liver is completely eliminated.

The very bad absorption rate of Tongkat Ali of about only 10% (and possibly Fadogia Agrestis too!) has been turned into a very good absorption rate by using a suppository (which has an absorption rate of 80-90%).

What to Expect:

Give it some time to see the tremendous effects. After all, it is your own Testosterone production that will be increased here. The testosterone does not come from an outside source but it is your own. 

Having said that, it largely depends on your testosterone levels at the time when you begin using the suppositories. Everybody is different and everybody has a different testosterone level. Give it at least a month or two to see very good effects.

But after a few days already you will feel something different in your lower manhood area - not in a bad way. 

If you do strength training, you will feel also a surge in power and energy right from the beginning.

How to take it:

The 900 mg combo suggested by Andrew Huberman has certainly in mind the possible danger for your liver. You may start off with 1 suppository a day to get your body used to it. Once you feel the effects, you can also increase to 2 suppositories a day, e.g., on training days.



 Treating autism spectrum disorders

There is some evidence that children with autism have lower levels of glutathione than neurotypical children, or those without autism.

In 2011, researchersTrusted Source found that oral glutathione supplements or injections might reduce some effects of autism. However, the team did not look specifically at the children’s symptoms to see if any had improved, so further research is needed to determine this impact.


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